韓國消費者開始拒買有輻射污染疑慮的水產品 日本仍在為福島損毀的第一核電廠輻射外洩奮戰之際,自日本福島反應爐附近海水檢出放射性物質碘超標的報導,引發韓國消費者開始避免食用某些可能遭到輻射污染的水產品。韓國當地零售商憂心該現象可能波及其他種類的水有巢氏房屋產品,對日本水產品的需求也勢必大為降低。鷺梁津(Noryangjin)水產批發市場於近日指出,整隻高級大西洋明太鱈(每箱約10-12公斤)價格於日本地震前(3月10日)為40美元,地震後(3月14日)價格飆到90美元,輻射外洩消息一經批露後的價格馬上爆跌至27美元。韓國當地借款對供應量減少的日本水產品需求仍呈停滯狀態。另價格比韓國產實惠、廣受消費者青睞的日本帶魚(hairtail),在地震後的鷺梁津水產市場的日進貨量較地震前減半(12-15箱)。E-Mart及樂天超市等大型零售商亦十分認同很多水產貿易商呼籲正視當地消費者拒絕食用日本水產品的室內裝潢現象,恐有波及所有水產品之虞。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 6/2011,1 April 2011)CONSUMERS SHUN SEAFOOD ON RISING RADIATION CONCERNSWhile Japan still struggles with radiation leaks from its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant,South 景觀設計Korean customers are avoiding some seafood out of fear that it could be exposed toradiation. Local retailers say that this trend could spread to more seafood categories, thuscrippling demand for Japanese seafood. The price of whole pollack has 褐藻醣膠been on a roller coastersince the earthquake in Japan. Recently, the price of high-quality whole pollack dropped to30,000 won (US$27) per box containing 10 to 12 kilograms, according to the NoryangjinWholesale Fisheries Market. This came after the 信用貸款price shot up to 100,000 won (US$90) on March14, following the news of the earthquake but before the radiation leaks were known. Wholepollack was selling for 45,000 won (US$40) per box on March 10, the day before the quake.Local demand for other 辦公室出租Japanese seafood has also slackened despite shrinking supplies.Japanese hairtail, a popular seafood that is traditionally favoured by customers because it is oftencheaper than the domestic variety, has all but disappeared from Noryangjin with only 禮服about 12 to15 boxes – half the amount from before the earthquake – coming in each day.Many fish traders are voicing concern that local customers shunning Japanese seafood mightspread to all seafood in general – a fear echoed by large retailers 澎湖民宿such as E-Mart and Lotte Mart.The fears stem from reports that radioactive iodine has increased greatly in the seawater near theFukushima reactors.

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